12 Angry Men

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Twelve Angry Men

August 6 - 8 and 13 - 15, 2010

  Heralded as one of the all-time great theatrical releases, "Twelve Angry Men" focuses on a jury’s deliberations in a capital murder case. A 12-man jury is sent to begin deliberations in the first-degree murder trial of an 18-year-old accused in the stabbing death of his father, where a guilty verdict means an automatic death sentence. The case appears to be open-and-shut— 11 of the jurors immediately vote guilty; only Juror No. 8. casts a not guilty vote. As the deliberations unfold, the story quickly becomes a study of the jurors’ complex personalities (which range from wise, bright and empathetic to arrogant, prejudiced and merciless), preconceptions, backgrounds and interactions. That provides the backdrop to Juror No. 8’s attempts in convincing the other jurors that a "not guilty" verdict might be appropriate.

Audition Dates:  June 7 and 8, 2010

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Last updated: 11/05/14.