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Winter weather conditions over the week-end
forced the cancellation of Purchase Players Sunday matinee of Meet Me in St.
Louis. The troupe plans an encore performance this Sunday, Dec 19th @ 2:00
p.m. at the Community Performing Arts Center in Mayfield. Patrons who
pre-purchased tickets for the cancelled show will have seats reserved for
this performance. Contact the box office @ 270-251-9035 or email
boxoffice@purchaseplayers.com for more information.
December 3 - 5 and 10 - 12, 2010
"Meet Me in St.
Louis" is a rare treasure in the musical theatre and is based on the
heartwarming movie. Four attractive sisters are all blazing with
excitement over the wonderful World’s Fair soon to open right there in
St. Louis. The girls are also in a state about the love life of their
only brother, whom they suspect of ditching his sweet hometown girl for
a snob from the East. In the midst of the sisters’ humorous maneuvers
to rule (or ruin) their brother’s new romance, Father finally breaks in
with his announcement. He’s been offered a better job in New York!
This will mean leaving their home in St. Louis and missing the fair! At
this, the girls unite for action. Memorable musical numbers include
The Boy Next
Door, A Raving Beauty, The Trolley Song, Have Yourself a Merry Little
Christmas, Whenever I'm with You
A Day in New
Audition Dates: September 28 and 30, 2010
